Sabina Trojanova is Empowering Women To Explore the World

Sabina Trojanova has been in love with travel for as long as she can remember, and something extraordinary happened when she decided to share her passion with the world. Her travel blog Girl vs Globe helped her find her true calling – empowering other women to explore the world.

Trojanova spent her childhood in the Czech Republic before moving to Vienna at the age of 13 with her family. Her parents sent her to an international school where she mastered her English, and following high school graduation at 17, she decided to take the leap of faith and moved to London.

Despite finally moving to the city of her dreams, Trojanova simply couldn’t stay put, so she moved to Russia to master the language and work as a journalist. Her globe-trotting adventures inspired her to start her own travel blog called Girl vs Globe, which grew into a huge phenomenon over the course of the last decade, attracting over 460,000 followers.

Becoming a travel content creator was a true game-changer for Trojanova, and she wants to help other women turn their lives around. She’s now on a mission to inspire young women to take charge, become the leading ladies in their stories, and find magic and happiness everywhere they go.